2023 Internationale glas- en Keramiekbiënnale Haacht – kunststichting perspectief
2023 Atelier in Beeld Kunstwerkt
2022 Atelier in Beeld Kunstwerkt
2018 Collective Exposition Atelier Veerle Verhoeven
2013 “knoflook gaat industrieel” art route Heule
2012 tenTUINstelling Lions Club Knokke
2011 Art route OOkunst Kortemark
2010 With love from Belgium Anzegem
2008 Artselingen Elingen
2007 Atelier 27 Aalter
2006 Panta Rei Gallery Brugge
2005 De oude Kerk in Vichte Vichte – Ingrith Desmet
2004 – 2010 Sfeer Design EXPO Ghent
2000 Design Selection BOLS Jenever
2000 Selection and exposition Museo Internazionale Delle Ceramiche - Faenze
1999 Euroarte Madrid, Feria Europea Madrid
1998 Selected for provincial awards for fine arts and crafts
1997 Selected for provincial awards for fine arts and crafts
1997 Acquisition of selected work Komatsu Japan
1997 Kutani International Decorative Ceramics ’97 Komatsu Japan
1997 Indigo Gallery Damme
1997 ’De welriekende dreef’ Gallery Gooigem - Ingrith Desmet
1997 Kulturama cultural award - 2nd honorable mention Haacht
1997 Binding III ’glas en keramiek Prov. Museum P. Van Humbeek – Piron
1996 Selection designer for Design Flanders
1996 Ingrith Desmet Gallery Ingrith Desmet
1994 100 ceramicists for doctors without frontiers